From Savings to Reimbursements...The Rules of HSA's, FSA's, HRA's and MSA's Today!

  • January 09, 2018
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Carlton Hotel Newport Beach (formerly Radisson Hotel)

This program is available as a 1-Hour CEU | Course Number: 361935

In the benefit climate today, tax favored accounts are widely used to offset the ever-increasing cost of health insurance. This class is designed to break through the mystery of the different tax favored vehicles and assist with making the decision for which avenue works for you!

Dr. Kristin Khale
CEO and Founder

Dr. Kristin Kahle is the CEO and Founder of NavigateHCR (NHCR), a
full-service ACA and compliance technology agency. Her team of HR and compliance specialists, is responsible for assisting brokers and employers with the most complex requirements of the law. Dr. K, a Certified Healthcare Reform Specialist, represents
NHCR in industry related seminars and summits to ensure her company is updated on the most intricate details of the ACA and industry trends.

Dr. Kristin Kahle is an internationally recognized educator in the benefits industry and a dynamic speaker making compliance exciting.  Dr. Kahle has over 20 years of experience in the benefits arena and the only doctoral candidate to complete her dissertation on Health Care Reform to earn her Ph.D.

Event Info

Carlton Hotel | 4545 MacArthur Boulevard | Newport Beach 92660

Registration: 11 AM
OCAHU Business and Lunch
12 to 1 PM: Speaker Presentation

Cost to Attend:

Member or First Time Guest: $35 | Non-Member: $50


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