5th Annual Client Day Seminar

  • October 16, 2012
  • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Hilton Irvine

Health Insurance Awareness Week
October 15 - 21, 2012

OCAHU brings health care reform awareness to your clients and the community. Join us as we host our 5th Annual Client Day at the Hilton Irvine on Tuesday, October 16th.


Health Care Reform - How it Affects Employers

Speaker: Neil Crosby, VP Public Affairs, CAHU

Program Summary: Now that the Supreme Court has allowed the Health Care Reform Law to stand, employers need to prepare themselves to comply with the provisions within the law. The difficult part is where to get the information in order to comply.

Employers across America have many of the same questions.  What provisions apply to my business?  What will it cost?  What do I have to do for my employees?  How will I know what to do?

Most employers will rely on their professional insurance agent even more as we move into the future provisions of the new law.

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Individual seats and groups of 8 or less

$65 (Parking)





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